1. Penumbra
  2. Concepts and Mechanisms
    1. Validators
    2. Batching Flows
    3. Addresses and Keys
    4. Assets and Amounts
    5. Notes, Nullifiers, and Trees
    6. Transactions
    7. Governance
  3. Cryptographic Primitives
    1. Proving Considerations
    2. The decaf377 group
      1. Costs and Alternatives
      2. Inverse Square Roots
      3. Decoding
      4. Encoding
      5. Group Hash
      6. Test Vectors
    3. Randomizable Signatures
    4. Key Agreement
    5. Poseidon for BLS12-377
      1. Overview of Poseidon Construction
      2. Poseidon Parameter Generation
      3. Test Vectors
    6. Fuzzy Message Detection
      1. Sender and Receiver FMD
      2. Constructing S-FMD
      3. S-FMD Threat Model
      4. S-FMD in Penumbra
      5. Parameter Considerations
    7. Flow Encryption
      1. Ideal Functionality
      2. The eddy construction
      3. Distributed Key Generation
      4. Homomorphic Threshold Encryption
      5. Flow Encryption and Consensus
  4. Groth 16 Setup Ceremony
    1. Groth16 Recap
    2. Discrete Logarithm Proofs
    3. Contributions
  5. Addresses and Keys
    1. Spending Keys
    2. Viewing Keys
    3. Addresses and Detection Keys
    4. Payload Keys
  6. State Commitment Tree
    1. Tiered Commitment Tree
    2. Nullifiers
  7. Assets and Values
  8. Transaction Model
    1. Transaction Signing
    2. Action Invariants
    3. Action Reference
    4. Transaction Memo
  9. Multi-Asset Shielded Pool
    1. Note Plaintexts
    2. Note Commitments
    3. Note Ciphertexts
    4. Transaction Actions
      1. Spend
      2. Output
  10. Decentralized Exchange
    1. Batch Swaps
    2. Concentrated Liquidity
    3. LPNFTs
    4. On-Chain Routing
    5. Transaction Actions
      1. Swap
      2. SwapClaim
      3. Position Actions
  11. Staking and Delegation
    1. Staking Tokens
    2. Validator Rewards and Fees
    3. Voting Power
    4. Delegation
    5. Undelegation
    6. Example Staking Dynamics
    7. Arithmetic
    8. Transaction Actions
      1. Delegate
      2. Undelegate
      3. UndelegateClaim
  12. Governance
    1. Transaction Actions
      1. DelegatorVote
      2. ValidatorVote
      3. Proposal Actions
  13. IBC Integration
    1. Transaction Actions
      1. IbcRelay
      2. Ics20Withdrawal
  14. Community Pool
    1. Transaction Actions
      1. CommunityPoolSpend
      2. CommunityPoolOutput
      3. CommunityPoolDeposit