State Commitment Tree
Penumbra makes an explicit separation between two different kinds of state:
- Public shared state, recorded on-chain in a key-value store;
- Private per-user state, recorded on end-user devices and only committed to on-chain.
Public state is global and mutable, like other blockchains (akin to an “account model”). Transactions modify the public state as they execute. Private state is recorded in immutable, composable state fragments (akin to a “UTXO model”). Transactions privately consume existing state fragments, compose them to privately create new state fragments, and use zero-knowledge proofs to certify that the new fragments were created according to the rules of the protocol.
The state commitment tree component manages commitments to private state fragments. Nodes maintain two data structures, each responsible for one side of state management:
- The state commitment tree ingests and records new state commitments as transactions produce new state fragments;
- The nullifier set is responsible for nullifying existing state commitments as transactions consume state fragments.
To establish that a state fragment was previously validated by the chain, a client forms a ZK proof that the commitment to that state fragment is included in the state commitment tree. This allows private execution to reference prior state fragments, without revealing which specific state fragment is referenced.
Private execution involves a role reversal relative to the conventional use of Merkle trees in blockchains, because it is the client that makes a proof to the full node, rather than the other way around. This means that every client must synchronize a local instance of the state commitment tree, in order to have the data required to form proofs. Penumbra’s state commitment tree is instantiated using the tiered commitment tree (TCT), an append-only, ZK-friendly Merkle tree designed primarily for efficient, filterable synchronization. We use the term SCT to refer to the part of the protocol that manages state commitments and TCT to refer to the specific Merkle tree construction used to instantiate it. The TCT is described in the Tiered Commitment Tree section.
Establishing that a state fragment was previously validated by the chain is not enough, however. Clients also need to establish that the state fragments their transaction consumes have not already been consumed by another transaction, to prevent double-spend attacks.
This is accomplished by the use of nullifiers, described in detail in the Nullifiers section. Each state commitment has an associated nullifier. Transactions reveal the nullifiers of state fragments they consume, and the chain checks that they have not been previously revealed. Nullifiers can only be derived by the actor with authority over the state fragment, so the creation of a state fragment (revealing its state commitment) and the consumption of that state fragment (revealing its nullifier) are publicly unlinkable. In practice, the nullifier set is stored in the public state using the Jellyfish Merkle Tree (JMT).