S-FMD in Penumbra
In the sections that follow we describe how S-FMD clue keys, detection keys, and clues are integrated into the Penumbra system.
Clue Keys
Each Penumbra diversified address includes as part of the encoded address an S-FMD clue key. This key can be used to derive a clue for a given output.
See the Addresses section for more details.
Detection Keys
Each Penumbra address has an associated S-FMD detection key. This key is what the user can optionally disclose to a third-party service for detection. Recall the detection key is used to examine each clue and return if there is a detection or not.
Each Penumbra transaction can have multiple outputs, to the same or different recipients. If a transaction contains outputs for the same recipient, then the FMD false positive rate will be if the detector uses the detection key that does not correspond to that recipient. To ensure that transactions are detected with false positive rate , we attach clues to transactions such that there is a single clue per recipient clue key per transaction.
In order not to leak the number of distinct recipients to a passive observer through the number of clues in a transaction, we add dummy clues to the transaction until there are an equal number of clues and outputs. A consensus rule verifies that all transactions have an equal number of clues and outputs.
A consensus rule verifies that clues in transactions have been generated using the appropriate precision, within a grace period of 10 blocks1. Transactions with clues generated using the incorrect precision are rejected by the network.
This imposes a bound on the latency of signing workflows.