
Each positioned state commitment has an associated nullifier, an element. We say that a state commitment is positioned when it has been included in the state commitment tree and its position is fixed. In other words, a nullifier is not just a property of the content of a state fragment, but of a specific instance of a state fragment included in the chain state.

Nullifiers are not publicly derivable from the state fragment. Instead, each state fragment defines an associated nullifier key, also an element. The nullifier key represents the capability to derive the nullifier associated to a state fragment. When state fragments are created, their state commitment is revealed on-chain, and when they are consumed, their nullifier is revealed. These actions are unlinkable without knowledge of the nullifier key.

Nullifier Derivation

The nullifier (an element) is derived as the following output of a rate-3 Poseidon hash:

nf = hash_3(ds, (nk, cm, pos))

where the ds is a domain separator as described below, nk is the nullifier key, cm is the state commitment, and pos is the position of the state commitment in the state commitment tree.

Define from_le_bytes(bytes) as the function that interprets its input bytes as an integer in little-endian order. The domain separator ds used for nullifier derivation is computed as:

ds = from_le_bytes(BLAKE2b-512(b"penumbra.nullifier")) mod q

Nullifier Keys

Nullifiers are derived only semi-generically. While the nullifier derivation itself is generic, depending only on the nullifier key and the positioned commitment, each type of state fragment is responsible for defining how the nullifier key is linked to the content of that state fragment. Because nullifiers prevent double-spends, this linking is critical for security.

This section describes the abstract properties required for nullifier key linking, and how each type of state fragment achieves those properties.

  • Uniqueness: each state fragment must have at most one nullifier key.

Uniqueness ensures that each state fragment can be nullified at most once. A state fragment without a nullifier key is unspendable; this is likely undesirable, like sending funds to a burn address, but is not prohibited by the system. If a state fragment had more than one nullifier key, it could be consumed multiple times, causing a double-spend vulnerability.

Each action that reveals nullifiers is responsible for certifying two distinct properties as part of its proof statements:

  • Correct derivation of the nullifier given the nullifier key and positioned state commitment (generic across state fragment types);
  • Correct linking of that nullifier key with the content of the nullified state fragment (specific to that state fragment type).

State Fragments

These are the current types of state fragment recorded by Penumbra:


The nullifier key for a note is the nullifier key component of the full viewing key for the address controlling the note.

Uniqueness: Nullifiers are unique, to prevent faerie gold attacks, as they are derived from the position in the state commitment tree which is unique.


The nullifier key for a swap is the nullifier key component of the full viewing key for the claim address that controls the swap outputs.

Uniqueness: TODO